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Existing Models of Dialog System

Task-Oriented Dialog

Traditional NLP component stack

Challenge of NLP

Deep Semantic Similarity Model(DSSM)

application scenarios

  1. Web search
  2. Entity linking
  3. Image captioning
  4. Machine Translation
  5. Online recommendation

Framework of Model

Go beyound DSSM

Question answeriing(QA) and Machine Readiing Comprehension(MRC)

Open-Domain Question Answering

Knowledge Base-QA

  1. Symbolic approach via Large-scale knowledge graphs
  2. ReasoNet with Shared Memory

  3. Search Controller in ReasoNet

  4. ReasoNet in symbolic vs neural space
  5. Multi-turn KB-QA


  2. SQuAD

Neural MRC Models



Neural MRC Models on SQuAD

  1. Encoding: map each text span to a semantic vector

    • Query-context/Content-query attention
  2. Reasoning: rank and re-rank semantic vectors

Task-oriented dialogues


A Example Dialogue with Movie-Bot

Conversation as Reinforcement Learning

Dialogue System Evaluation(Simulated Users)

  1. Agenda based
  2. Model based

traditional approache

Decison-theoretic View of Dialogue Management

Language Understanding Uncertainty: POMDP as a principled framework

scaling up Dialogue Optimization

  1. Use approxmiate POMDP algorithms leveraging problem-specific structure
  2. Use Reinforcement Learning algorithms with function approximation

Natural language understanding and dialogue state tracking

Language Understanding

  1. DNN for Domain/Intent Classification

  2. Slot filling

  3. Further details on NLU

Dialogue State Tracking(DST)

  1. DSTC(Dialog State Tracking Challenge)
  2. Neural Belief Tracker

  3. NN-Based DST

Deep RL for dialogue policy learning

Two main classed of RL algorithms

  1. Value function based:
  2. Policy based:

Domain Extension and Exploration(BBQ network)

Composite-task Dialogues

  1. A Hierarchical Policy Learner
  2. Integrating Planning for Dialogue Policy Learning

Decision-theoretic View of Dialogue Management

Hybrid Code Networks

Differentiating KB Accesses

An E2E Neural Dialogue System

Fully data-driven conversation models and chatbots

Historical overview

Response retrival system

Response generation using Statistical Machine Translation

First neural response generation systems

  1. Neural Models for Response Generation
  2. Neural conversation engine:

challenges and remedies

Challenge: The blandness problem

Challenge: The consistency problem

  1. Solution: Personalized Response Generation
  2. Personal modeling as multi-task learning
  3. Improving personalization with multiple losses

Challenge: Long conversational context

  1. It can be challenging for LSTM/GRU to encode very long context
  2. Hierarchical Encoder-Decoder(HRED), code
  3. Hierarchical Latent Variable Encoder-Decoder(VHRED)

Grounded conversation models

A Knowledge-Grounded Neural Conversation Model

Grounded E2E Dialogue Systems

Beyond supervised learning(Deep Reinforcement Learning for E2E Dialogue)

Data and evaluation

Conversational datasets(for social bots, E2E dialogue research)

Evaluating E2E Dialogue Systems via Autumatic evaluation

  1. Machine-Translation-Based Metric
  2. Sentence-level correlation of MT metrics:

The importance of sample size

Corpus-level Correlation

Chatbot in public

Social Bots: commercial systems

  1. For end users
  2. For bot developers

Open Benchmarks

  1. Alexa Challenge

  2. Dialogue System Technology Challenge(DSTC)
